Posts Tagged ‘Administration’

Ten Years of Blogging

Sunday, October 13th, 2019

Evidently I’ve been posting here for ten years, since my first post is dated October 12, 2009. Going back over those early posts, I’m struck by just how many of the links are dead. Also, I used to blog more about sports, which I largely stopped doing because there are a ton of other places that cover it, and I seldom have time to watch sports anymore.

My very first “library addition” post doesn’t show up until November 15 of the same year…

Transient HTTP/HTTPS Glitch

Thursday, February 8th, 2018

If you came to this page and saw something like “Greg and Barb Weeks’ Home Page,” you ran into a transient glitch where

wasn’t auto-forwarding to

and instead somehow dredged up that ancient cached page from someone else’s webpage from 2002. It should be fixed now, but it’s another good reason to update all your links to Now With Added https

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017

I finally got off my lazy butt and got an SSL certificate for this blog.

So the official address is now (note the new all important “s” after “http”).

FYI, my SSL certificate was free through WordPress and the Bluehost folks made the change for me.

Update your bookmarks accordingly, since Google and Firefox are starting to get all pissy about http connections (not that I really blame them).

Back From Worldcon

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Still catching up on stuff, and have more photos to upload, so blogging might be light for a few days…

Brownout Fixed

Friday, May 6th, 2011

I guess it was local to my house. And I now have a concrete casement previously covered with dirt in the corner of the backyard I never realized was there before…

Blogroll Updates

Friday, December 31st, 2010

I’ve been doing a little blog-roll updating, and I’ve finally got around to adding the blogs of some other writers. (The Wheels of Futuramen may grind slow, but they grand exceedingly, well, slow. Glacial, even.) These are writers who are personal friends I know and like, who are excellent writers, who write interesting blogs, or all of the above. So I’ve gone ahead and added links to the blogs of:

No doubt I’ll be adding more as time permits.


Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

I’ve come down with the dreaded “flu-like symptoms,” so posting Day 3 of the Armadillocon pictures will have to wait until I’m feeling better