Posts Tagged ‘Evil of Frankenstein’

Random Thoughts on Watching Evil of Frankenstein

Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

Watching Hammer Film’s 1964 Evil of Frankenstein, several thoughts occurred to me:

  • You would think Baron von Frankenstein would be a little more circumspect about hiring a corpse-snatcher.
  • I wonder why Frankenstein needs two orange fountain drink machines in his lab.
  • “Hey, I’ll just go back to the castle they ran me out of ten years ago! I’m sure there’s no chance they will have looted all my expensive belongings!”
  • “Hey, my enemies are now the mayor and chief of police! I’m sure accusing them of theft couldn’t possibly backfire on me in any way.”
  • A mute, blind beggar women just happens to lead Frankenstein to his frozen monster. If she could speak, I’m sure she’d say her name was “Deus Ex Machine.”
  • Sure, a hypnotist is the obviously the first person you think of for reversing severe brain damage.
  • Somehow the mute, resurrected monster who’s never been spoken to understands every command given by the hypnotist. What a stroke of luck!
  • “There’s no way the monster could possibly misinterpret my vague command!”
  • “There’s no way they could possibly trace back the crime spree of a monster back to the castle he was created in!”
  • After the “incident,” I’m sure the Karlstaad police added “bottles of chloroform” to the list of things not to let people keep in jail.
  • Pretty much every major character in Evil of Frankenstein is an idiot. With the possible exception of the Burgermeister’s wife, who has a pretty sweet gig as bosomy eye-candy.
  • Important Safety Tip: Do not get Frankenstein’s monster drunk. Just not seeing a lot of upside to that brilliant decision.