Posts Tagged ‘Rocky Wood’

Pictures from the World Horror Convention in Austin, Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

It looked like my Kodak Digital camera had died, but it seems to be working again after fiddling with it, removing the battery a few times, and plugging it in. Still, I’ll probably need to get a new camera before Apollocon in June, since the automatic shutter isn’t retracting all the way any more…

William F. Nolan and Rocky Wood, both of whom were with me on the “Horror Without Stephen King,” along with someone who wasn’t.

Bill Crider

Bill & Judy Crider.

Bill Spencer. A lot of Bills today, mainly because none of them had yet been signed into law.

Now THAT’s a HAT.

SF Signal’s John DeNardo, AKA “Mr. Saturday Night.”

Don Webb, in the one photo I took on my iPhone that didn’t completely suck.