Posts Tagged ‘Neal Barrett Jr.’

Armadillocon 32 Photos

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

Here are a few quick-and-dirty photos from Armadillocon 32, all except the first taken Friday.

Michael Bishop, from the Thursday Pre-Con dinner.


Neal Barrett, Jr. in his stylish hat. “I got it from Walgreens. I buy all my clothing there.”

Richard Simental, AKA RoadRich.

Matthew Bey. Photo uncropped to give you some idea of the dealer’s room space. (Will try to get a better picture today.)

Michael Sumbera

Andrew Wimsatt

Stina Leicht, looking at Elizabeth Moon (who only dropped in briefly the first day, due to a busy schedule)

Stina was complaining about me taking pictures of her, so naturally I had to take several more.

Patrice Sarath

The first of three unsuccessful night views of the Renaissance Atrium. I’ll try to get some daylight shots today.

Phil Brogden, Yvonne Daily, and Mike’s torso

Karen and Kasey Lansdale.

Updated: You can find Part 2 here.

Neal Barrett Jr.’s Author Emeritus Party

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Since Austin’s own Neal Barrett, Jr. was named SFWA Author Emeritus for the 2009 Nebula Awards, FACT threw a party at Casa Siros to celebrate the occasion, with luminaries coming from as far away as Nacogdoches (Joe R. his ownself) to pay homage.

Susan Wade, William Browning Spencer (occluded), Neal Barrett, Jr. (holding up the art SFWA had commissioned, featuring himself and three of his characters), Don Webb

Susan Wade, William Browning Spencer, Neal Barrett, Jr., Don Webb

Susan Wade, William Browning Spencer, Neal Barrett, Jr., Don Webb

Neal Barrett, Jr. holding up the SFWA Author Emeritus, which is a kaleidoscope. (“Kaleidoscope” is also the name of an awesome Ray Bradbury story from The Illustrated Man.)

The back of Joe R. Lansdale’s head, Ruth Barrett, someone whose name I should remember, and Scott Cupp

A closer (albeit oblique) view of said painting; I took a straight-on picture, but the flash reflection on the glass made it impossible to see.

Neal iz 2 kewl 4 this skewl!

More of the same. Less of the sane.

Just a few of Casa Siros’ vast array of Glowing Gizmos.

Three excellent authors who have had their books published by St. Martin’s. Also, three authors who are not on The New York Times Bestsellers List. These two facts may be related.

Neal cuts the cake, while Carol is just slightly too slow to avoid being incriminated with the rest of us.

Joe R. Lansdale, William Browning Spencer, Don Webb, and Neal Barrett, Jr. Susan Wade would be in this picture, had she not been eaten by a Grue.

FACT party attendees. Just after this picture, one of their number was ritually chosen by lot to be stoned to death.

Joe R. Lansdale and William Browning Spencer, in the last known photo of them before being horribly devoured by Pixar characters.

“Walk towards the light….walk towards the light…”