Posts Tagged ‘weather’

12°F, Rolling Blackouts in Austin?

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

“Texas’ electric grid operator is telling power companies to begin rolling blackouts today to deal with an unexpected number of power plant outages due to the cold.”

I’m seeing some forecasts that it will hit 12°F today (it’s 16°F now). It would be a good day to stay in and stay warm.

Naturally, I have to go in to work…

Icy Hill Follies: 2010 Edition

Monday, December 27th, 2010

Consider this your yearly warning not to try driving your car on icy hills. Unless you like playing a really expensive and dangerous version of bumper-cars…

Note: Not my videos, so I’m not responsible for musical choices, commentary, etc.

Bonus: City bus.

You might really want to consider slowing down in this weather. I said slow down! Never mind…

I’m not sure if “bailing out” is the right move here.

I’m pretty sure it’s not the optimal solution here:

Meanwhile, in Russia…

How about staying home and reading a nice book instead?

And speaking of cold…

Monday, January 4th, 2010

Friday it will probably be colder in Houston than McMurdo Station in Antarctica. And even colder here in Austin. My weather widget says it’s going to get down to 18. Usually in Austin, there will be a few times in January where you need to kick on the air conditioner. Where’s all that global warming they promised us?