Happy New Year!

Last night I attended two New Year’s Eve parties, then went home to shoot off loads of fireworks (I live in unincorporated Williamson County) with Dwight, A.T, and Carol, a task made more difficult by the the high winds. (It’s been a very wet December, so there was no chance of starting wildfires.)

Quote of the evening: “How far away should we be from the thermite?”

(Yes, Dwight brought thermite. We were very careful to use a proper containment system.)

The great thing about having New Year’s Eve on Thursday is that you can stay up until 2 AM going to parties and firing off fireworks, sleep until noon, wake up, ask yourself “How much of the weekend do I have left?” and the answer is “All of it, and then some!”

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2 Responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Dwight Brown says:

    Yeah, I think there was too much build-up to the thermite and too little payoff.

    As we discussed, though, I wanted to start out small and get a sense of how energetic it was; now that we know, I think next time we can use a larger amount.

    Next time, I’ll get more than one lighter, too. Come to think of it, maybe I should start carrying a Zippo.

  2. […] a lot more effective than punks or lights and lighting fuses, especially in high winds. (And, in our experience, there are always high […]

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