Posts Tagged ‘Farid Al-Atrache’

Long Interview With Brian Eno

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Don Webb alerted me to this long interview with legendary musician/ composer/innovator Brian Eno on (of all places) Al Jazeera:

Lots of fascinating information on his background, such as collecting music from American airbases near his childhood home (and only later realizing that almost all the music he collected was from black musicians), having a grandfather who lived in a converted church repairing early mechanical musical instruments (“they were the synthesizers of 1910”), and the birth of ambient music coming from listening to a too-quiet record of harp music while he was convalescing in the hospital.

At one point he talks about trying to figure out what an Arab song he heard on short wave was, and it turns out to be Farid Al-Atrache’ “Hebeena Hebeena.” Since it was slightly hard to figure out what he was saying (Ferry De La Trash?), I tracked down a YouTube version of the track: