Posts Tagged ‘NASCAR’

When I Think NASCAR, “Terry Gilliam” is the First Name That Comes to Mind

Monday, October 18th, 2010

If you haven’t heard, Terry Gilliam is making a NASCAR-themed short film that will premiere on Halloween and then be available free online. Sounds like a ghost story/Sleepy Hollow sort of thing.

A few random observations:

  • I’ll watch it.
  • While I’m firmly in the “I’m not watching a bunch of guys turn left for two hours” camp, I have no particular antipathy to the sport.
  • I’m still amused by this Fark headline: “New Dale Earnhardt documentary to be in theaters next year. Don’t mean to spoil it for you, but it goes left turn, left turn, left turn, right turn, death”
  • This Tom Wolfe piece on the origins of NASCAR in the bootlegging industry of Appalachia is a great piece of writing.
  • Maybe Gilliam is a big NASCAR fan, though I dare say you would be hard-pressed to glean it from his films.
  • I’m glad he’s getting work.
  • I have a sinking suspicion that we’re going to see a lot more movies made this way: As promotional loss-leaders for products. (“The Googleing: An M. Night Shyamalan Film”)