Posts Tagged ‘self-indulgent crap’

Happy New Year!

Friday, January 1st, 2010

Last night I attended two New Year’s Eve parties, then went home to shoot off loads of fireworks (I live in unincorporated Williamson County) with Dwight, A.T, and Carol, a task made more difficult by the the high winds. (It’s been a very wet December, so there was no chance of starting wildfires.)

Quote of the evening: “How far away should we be from the thermite?”

(Yes, Dwight brought thermite. We were very careful to use a proper containment system.)

The great thing about having New Year’s Eve on Thursday is that you can stay up until 2 AM going to parties and firing off fireworks, sleep until noon, wake up, ask yourself “How much of the weekend do I have left?” and the answer is “All of it, and then some!”

And now for something vaguely Star Trek-related

Friday, December 11th, 2009

I have a co-worker with a number of Spock sketches up on his whiteboard (which I actually started), with Evil Spock (with beard), Vincent van Spock (one ear), etc.

Today he said he had to erasing some of the more obscure Spocks (like one that was evidently a Babylon 5 reference) with Spocks people would be more likely to recognize.

I asked him: “Who are you going to give the money to?”

Him: “What do you mean?”

Me: “Don’t you know that there’s a hefty re-Spocking fee?”

/True story
//I’ll be here all week
///Try the veal
////Slashies usage blatantly lifted from Fark

Light Blogging, Friend Moving

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

Light blogging today today while I help a friend move from Southeast Austin to less South but more East Austin.

Q: Isn’t your blogging usually light every day?

A: Quiet, you! No one likes a smart ass.

Q: If no one likes a smart ass, why on earth would anyone ever read your blog?

A: Good point.

Dreams (Anxious and Otherwise)

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

I find it interesting that anxiety dreams tends to manifest themselves in recurring situations that never actually happened to me.

For example, there’s that classic “having to take a test you haven’t studied for” dreams which, like probably just about everyone else on the planet, I used to have. (Usually I did really well on tests, even if I hadn’t studied for them.) Frequently I was vaguely aware that I hadn’t attended the class for the entire semester and finals were coming up. I even had anxiety dreams about high school long after I graduated college. I haven’t had those for a while, and the last few I had I remembered thinking “Wait, I’ve graduated college. I don’t need to take a high school class.”

Speaking of high school, there’s the one where I’m at a high school reunion or function, and I can’t find someone.

There’s that old chestnut, “I’m naked/in my underwear in public” dream.

There’s the usual “I have to pee but the toilet is broken/missing/something else” dream, which is your body telling you, yes, you do need to wake up just long enough to go pee.

Recently I’ve had another recurring favorite, anxiety over possibly missing a flight. (OK, that did happen to me once, back in 1987. Lesson: Never trust New York subway schedules.) You find yourself thinking “Wait, what time is it? Shouldn’t I already be at the airport? Why haven’t I packed anything?”

Another favorite: I’m supposed to be driving my car, but for some reason I’m in the back seat, or facing the wrong way, and the car starts slipping and sliding away and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Another auto-related favorite: I’m on a high bridge or overpass, and the freeway just ends (somehow, this never actually results in a crash).

Also automotive-related: Going back outside to find that your car has been stolen.

Another one: My apartment has been robbed. (And I’ve owned my house for just shy of five years now.) Or I catch someone breaking into my house and shoot at them, but the bullet comes out with such pitifully weak velocity that it just bounces off them.

I suspect many of the above are fairly common. But I have a few that are probably narrowly shared. I did a lot of plays in high school and was a Drama major in college, so frequently I’ll have a dream where I’m supposed to to be in a play and I haven’t learned any lines. (Strangely, these never seem to bother me particularly, as I usually end up trying to find a copy of the script to do a quick read before I go on, but I’ve never had the dream actually continue to the point I get on stage.)

Dreams, of course, are your brains garbage collection system, filing away the memories collected while you’re awake. And Sigmund Freud was full of it.

(And how’s a description of your dreams for the ultimate in self-indulgent blog posts?)