Posts Tagged ‘The Mist’

Your Creepy Halloween Spider Post

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

I’m running out of Halloween season, so it’s time for a post on that perennial source of creepiness: Spiders.

There are few things that triggers our primal fear reflex more than spiders, so here’s a Whitman’s Spider Sampler of Creepiness.

  • Here’s a family whose house was infested with deadly brown recluses.
  • If you’re afraid of spiders, you almost certainly don’t want to work at a tarantula farm.
  • An encounter with the South American Goliath birdeater spider whose feet can stretch a foot in diameter.
  • I’ve tried to avoid the common gifs everyone’s already seen, but I am intrigued by this completely unconvincing, yet oddly unnerving film snippet, and I’d like to know what (presumably silent) film it’s from:

    Here’s the exceptionally creepy spider attack from The Mist:

    And here’s Cyriak’s deeply disturbing “Cobwebs”:

    Let’s end on a lighter note. There’s a Simon’s Cat with a spider:

    And this: