Archive for June, 2011

Police Find Mass Grave of 0-30 Bodies in Liberty County, Texas

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Which is to say that so far they’ve found none. Which hasn’t kept other people from jumping the gun. You might want to wait on reporting that until you find, you know, actual bodies. Especially since the tip was reported to come from a “psychic.” This would keep distant outlets like The Sydney Morning Herald from reporting it as fact.

Is “police investigating report of mass grave” just not sexy enough for the news cycle these days?

Long Interview With Brian Eno

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Don Webb alerted me to this long interview with legendary musician/ composer/innovator Brian Eno on (of all places) Al Jazeera:

Lots of fascinating information on his background, such as collecting music from American airbases near his childhood home (and only later realizing that almost all the music he collected was from black musicians), having a grandfather who lived in a converted church repairing early mechanical musical instruments (“they were the synthesizers of 1910”), and the birth of ambient music coming from listening to a too-quiet record of harp music while he was convalescing in the hospital.

At one point he talks about trying to figure out what an Arab song he heard on short wave was, and it turns out to be Farid Al-Atrache’ “Hebeena Hebeena.” Since it was slightly hard to figure out what he was saying (Ferry De La Trash?), I tracked down a YouTube version of the track:

Review Copypalooza

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

So about a year after I really needed to, I’ve finally got around to reorganizing my office. And by “reorganizing,” I mean “putting away a bunch of crap so I can actually put the books I’ve already bought in their proper places on my shelves.”

One obstacle to this is all the Nova Express review copies that have piled up around the place. It hasn’t (quite) been a decade since The Fanzine That Walks Like a Semiprozine published its last issue in 2002. In 2003 I was unemployed most of the year, in 2004 I bought a house, and in 2005 I took a 10 day trip to the UK to see London and the Glasgow Worldcon, all things that ate up both time and money required to publish something that lost a good $1,000-2,000 an issue. (I contend that Nova Express is not in fact dead, but merely resting and pining for the fjords. It’s been my intention to resurrect the beast as some sort of online zine, but life has continued to get in the way.) Despite its non-published status, Nova Express has continued to receive review copies of books (proofs, ARCS, hardbacks, paperbacks, you name it), the more interesting of which I’ve put aside until I had time to bring the zine back to life, though I have reviewed something here every now and then.

But rather than let all these review copies continue taking up valuable bookshelf space, I’ve decided to do two things:

  1. Offer them up to former Nova Express staffers (you know who you are) to review here on Futuramen (as a sort of low-calorie-Nova-Express substitute, or Nova-Express-in-Exile sort of thing), and
  2. Disperse the rest (sell/giveaway/put into my own library).

Rather than spend time listing each and every copy (there are a lot), I’m just going to list the authors. If you’d like to review something by them, let me know. Keep in mind some of these are almost a decade old, but what the hell, better late than never.

  • Neal Asher
  • S. A. Bodeen
  • Kevin Brockmeier
  • M. M. Buckner
  • Ramsey Campbell
  • Storm Constantine
  • Brenda Cooper
  • Robert Conroy
  • Frank Corsaro
  • Ellen Datlow
  • Cory Doctrow
  • William Drinkard
  • Carol Emshwiller
  • Andreas Eschbach
  • Steven Erikson
  • Ian C. Esselmont
  • Michael Flynn
  • Gregory Frost
  • Anne Harris
  • Melanie Gideon
  • Daryl Gregory
  • Jim Grimsley
  • Peter F. Hamilton
  • Thomas Harlan
  • Howard Hendrix
  • Stephen Hunt
  • James Patrick Kelly
  • Liam Jackson
  • Jay Lake
  • Jean Lorrah
  • James Maxey
  • A. Lee Martinez
  • Sandra McDonald
  • Paul Melko
  • James Morrow
  • Jamil Nasir
  • Paul Park
  • Nicholas Pekearo
  • Kit Reed
  • R. Garcia Y. Robertson
  • Cameron Rogers
  • Mary Rosenblum
  • Rudy Rucker
  • Melinda Snodgrass
  • Stanley Schmidt
  • William R. Trotter
  • Vernor Vinge
  • Kit Whitfield
  • Kim Wilkins
  • David Wellington
  • Scott Westerfield
  • If you want to review any of these, drop me a line.

    The June Ansible is Up

    Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

    For your skiffy reading pleasure.

    Manos Two: Twice the Hands, Twice the Fate!

    Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

    A certain Rupert Talbot Munch Sr. of Falls City, OR is working on a sequel to the classically bad Manos: The Hands of Fate called Manos: The Search for Valley Lodge.

    They’re going to be filming in El Paso, just like the original.

    Wait, it gets better: The film stars Jackey Raye Jones, who played the little girl in the original Manos: The Hands of Fate. Plus a character played by Joe Warren, the son of original Manos director Harold Warren.

    The kicker? Tom Neyman is back as The Master.

    And yes, there’s a poster:

    You could say that making a sequel to one of the worst films ever made is a bad idea, but frankly, the entire enterprise is beyond your puny mortal concepts of “good” and “bad”…

    And speaking of Manos, did you know that there was a puppet theater adaptation, Manos: The Hands of Felt?