Posts Tagged ‘Gabrielle Faust’

Pictures from the 2012 Armadillocon

Monday, August 13th, 2012

Continuing my acclaimed series “Lawrence’s Continuing Efforts To Justify The Purchase of a Digital Camera,” here are pictures from the 2012 Armadillocon:

The lovely and talented Urania Fung, who joined us for lunch with…

…her sister, the lovely and talented Cynthia Fung.

Fung & Fung, together at last. “Soon to be a new hit series on the CW!”

Master of Toast A. Lee Martinez showing off his spiffy Cthulhu vs. Godzilla T-shirt.

Andrew Wimsatt, already looking like his brain has fled.

Jayme Lynn Blaschke standing over Andrew, with the interior of the Austin Renaissance looming in the background like a Lovecraftian tomb (assuming the tomb had balconies and accent lighting).

Michael Sumbera, Scott Bobo and Ed Scarborough, hanging out in the bar.

Mark Finn. “Penis goes where???”

Picture from Family Feud, where the pros kicked the fan butt. “How could the topic be ‘Vampire Novels’ and not one of us thought of Dracula?”

it wouldn’t be an Armadillocon photo gallery without the requisite Stina Leicht Pantone Hair Color Reference Shot.

Now with Slightly Smugger Expression.

Editor guest of honor Liz Gorinsky, who appears to have part of Fry’s non-paraodoxing time travel algorithm tattooed onto her bicep.

Jayme Lynn Blascke, Troyce Wilson and Martha Wells. Maybe it was just this spot that made people look tired.

Con Chair Sara Felix taking a break from the madness with noted lush Scott Bobo.

With folded plate…

…and without.

John W. Campbell Award nominee Stina Leicht with Zillion time best Artist Hugo nominee John Picacio.

I had Stina lean in close so I could see exactly where her hair color matched his shirt.

“Sure, I’ll chair Armadillocon! How hard could it be?”

John “Two-Time Hugo Nominee” DeNardo

Ladies and Gentlemen, the worst picture ever of Joe R. Lansdale!

This time, his brain is fried.

Michael Sumbera and Rich Simental.

Mark Finn and Night Shade Press head honcho Jeremy Lassen, who needs to hire a better shipping department.

Matthew Bey with two people whose names I should remember.

Gabrielle Faust, looking remarkably calm and poised considering the horrific, unspeakable doom that was about to befall her. Best not to talk about it…

Denman Glober, who finds me endlessly entertaining.

Rob Landley, once and future chairman of Linucon.

Bradley Denton, who had a wee bit of a tough 2011.

Doug Potter, showing off a T-shirt with a drawing by Doug Potter, from a book illustrated by Doug Potter.

And another Armadillocon slouches to an end…

Apollocon 2011 Pictures

Monday, July 4th, 2011

My computer was in the shop, so I haven’t had a chance to do the usual photo roundup until now.

Stina Leicht.

The public has cried out “Stina! We just can’t get enough photos of her! Could you possibly put up a bunch more?” The blue hair fetish crowd has spoken, and who am I to deny the public what it wants? Vox populi, vox dei.

(If you’re wondering whether the phrase “Blue Hair Fetish” bring up a lot of Google hits, I can tell you: Yes. Yes it does. And you shouldn’t test this theory at work. (See also: Rule 34.))

Julia Mandala, Linda Donahue, and Bill Crider.

Martha Wells and Troyce Wilson, just back from their awesome private tour of NASA. They even showed them the video feed of the top secret moonbase and the dead alien in the third subbasement freezer…

Three of the four redheads of the apocalypse: Julia Mandala, Rhonda Eudaly, and Linda Donahue.

Gabrielle Faust.

Patrice Sarath.

Stina Leicht: The Seconding.

Stina and SF Signal head honcho John DeNardo, whose mouth and eyes are wired in such a way that when one opens, the other must close.

Jayme Lynn Blaschke, who suffers from no such limitations.

Martha Wells, wearing a black outfit against the black backdrop the concom thoughtfully provided.

Editor Guest of Honor Ann VanderMeer, of the Florida Science Fiction VanderMeers.

Texas in 2013 Worldcon bid chair Bill Parker with international confidence man Fred Duarte.

Jonathan Miles, pledging to eat only the brand of butter-substitute promoted by William Shatner.

Stina: The Return of the Attack of the Revenge of the Quickening

Gabrielle Faust, who wisely opted for the decorative white corset and brass goggles against the black background.

Lou Antonelli, Bill Crider and Jayme Lynn Blaschke.

Artist Guest of Honor Rocky Kelley.

Bill Parker in the militantly festooned Texas in 2013 suite.

A closeup of Bill Crider from an earlier picture. Cropping! The hallmark of quality photographs!